Marc faber stock market crash

Marc faber stock market crash

By: NIG Date of post: 20.06.2017

The notoriously bearish Marc Faber is doubling down on his dire market view. Submitted by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog: Are we about to witness one of the largest stock market crashes in U. And even though U. Of course Faber is far from alone in believing that the market is heading for hard times.

Trump actually has a vested interest in seeing the stock market go down, because that would help his chances in November. In a previous article on The Most Important News, I explained that the stock market has indicated who would win the presidential election 86 percent of the time since During the final three months before election day, if the stock market goes up the incumbent party almost always wins.

But if the stock market goes down, the incumbent party almost always loses.

marc faber stock market crash

The only times this correlation has not held up since were inand For the moment, the stock market is defying the laws of economics, and that is a very good thing for Hillary Clinton. But if this bubble suddenly bursts and the market starts catching up with economic reality, that is going to turn out to be very favorable for Donald Trump. And without a doubt, the fundamental economic numbers just continue to get worse.

Earlier today, we learned that productivity in the U. Productivity, a sore spot for the U. Productivity in the second quarter unexpectedly fell 0.

Economists surveyed by MarketWatch had forecast a 0. Productivity is down 0. On Tuesday we also learned that real estate sales in Las Vegas were down about 10 percent in July compared to the same period a year ago, and things are not looking so good in San Francisco either.

Twitter is shaking up San Francisco. Conditions are changing, and now is the time to position yourself for the exceedingly challenging times that are coming. As I end this article today, I want to share with you something written by Jim Quinn. I am losing precious days and my days are spent trying to make money.

I work because I have to. I have no patience for fools. The sun is setting and time is slipping away. Those mountains are calling me home. I can definitely identify with what Jim is going through, because I once experienced similar emotions. To Jim and everyone else that hopes that someday in the future they will be able to live the lives that they would like to be living right now, I would say this….

Seize the day and find a way to make your dreams a reality. Things are rapidly changing in this country, and if you keep putting off the life you want to be living for too long it may end up slipping away for good. I wish curtain events would have unfolded differently and for the better but the elite wanted more control and material things than they could ever afford!!!

It reminds me of watching little kids playing with their toys and a couple of kids decide to take all the other kids toys and leave them without!!!! Even if these guys end up being right just once, I still dont understand why posting the same 5 articles over and over and over is captivating enough for anyone to keep coming back here.

The doc is the biggest metals troll in human history. Only people like paco and bop still go to bat for him. Both my wife and I appreciate those etrade commercials and this is a hilarious take on that theme. It ALWAYS looks like that just before the SHTF. Whether or not that happens here, who knows? IMO, the biggest issue facing the US is the huge amount of debt that just seems to be everywhere.

I never really cared for debt so was loathe to borrow money unless it was absolutely necessary. But I can see that few people feel this way these days. Perhaps they will tire of being poor and will discover what it is that is making and keeping them that way.

Most people are like this early in life. But I must confess, Im suffering from Collapse Fatigue. Get On With It! And John keeps selling the shiny.

Marc Faber - Wikipedia

And you shouted down anyone who didnt tell you what you wanted to hear. So you should probably keep quiet. Was he replaced by a replicant?

Marc Faber: Stock Market Set to Crash 50 Percent, Erasing Years of Gains

Now, Central Banks around the world are printing money, and some of it finds its way marc faber stock market crash stock markets. Of course the rest of the money, is busy buying up and stealing other desirable asset classes.

Fifty percent is just a nice little garden-variety correction. Been there, done that… and it HURT! But, the good news there is that I did not panic and sell at the bottom. It could even be on the low side. Silly wish, I know. It sure will be… and a very dangerous time to be as unprepared as so many are. I like to help people when I can but not at the cost of the lives of my own family.

I would feel most sorry for the children of the unaware. They have no say in this but they will suffer terribly from it nonetheless. Ask them what they will feel like when, not if, the bottom falls out of the stock market and it is worse than or Also ask them if that have ANY idea what it is that is holding the market at its current level. I have heard people say such things and usually just walk away shaking my head.

These are 3 vastly different things. A lot putty connection manager macro option the financial engineering that is taking place is not creating any new wealth. They are just rearranging what is already there.

Not silly cnn stock market prices all, IMO. In fact, marc faber stock market crash we do not get back to a real market, and sooner rather than later, we are going to have an economic and financial disaster that could make the Great Depression look like a Sunday school picnic.

They may be able to point to a few short run benefits from some of it but after those are over and derby cattle market saturday and minimally effective, they and we will be left to deal with one helluva financial train-wreck.

Many politicians know that most Americans are clueless as to what causes a recession or how long it takes for one to occur.

MARC FABER Gives His Predictions on Stock Market Collapse, China, Gold, U.S. Dollar

They do not know that a recession can be up to several years in the making and universal binary option strategy that works often has little or nothing to do with the latest or incoming administration or congress critter. The seeds of recession are planted WELL in advance of the recession itself.

People also do not understand that recessions are how business rids itself of its excesses and that this MUST be done from time to time or the entire system will be poisoned by these toxic excesses.

But most politicians do not care about that. All they care about is getting into stock market crash concealed maintaining power over others.

A good part of that is blaming their competitors for things that they may or may not have done, thus grabbing the cushy jobs they all crave for themselves. Been here for now on 5 years. The turnover in Newbies never stops. Heck all the old guys have dropped off when was the stock market crash of the great depression the years. I liked when you used to call everyone trolls for not worshiping the people you now make fun of.

Your cog dis is a thing to behold. Jeez Scmidt, bad day or what? Being sandwitched between money printing apologists and metal guru worshippers can be trying at times. Are there any honest decent people out there? At that point, a nice fat roasted carp would be pure ambrosia. All depends on our point of view and that is subject to change with the times. One stock to get out of quick is zombie knife manufacture and retail in the UK.

There is of course no penalty for owning zombie knives and quite naturally there is no actual definition as to what a zombie knife is. Basically you can still have zombie knives so long as they are not called that, are not used for killing the walking dead and do not have green handles.

Another high point in British Legal Stupidity has been achieved. Von Greyerz has it that the markets are going higher because the bankers are firing up the helicopters and some of this newly printed fiat will end up in stocks.

Without such a reaction Faber would be right. If the bankers reaction is too slow or absent we will see a crash. To me it can go either way at the moment so selling your stack and buying stocks might be a good idea — provided that you sell the stocks and get back into metal in time for the thus delayed mega-crash…. Will HE Helicopter Easing lead to falling metals prices as everyone and his dog leaps into inflating stocks on a journey to nowhere or are there enough smarter than average sheep to underpin the metals and take them higher during the great inflation?

We used to go out to the local lakes, in the evening, light up a big bonfire as close to the water as we could and then fish for cats until about 11 PM or so. We very often caught several each. I could live on fish and garden veggies with some fresh fruit for dessert. A ban on Zombie killing sporks. How about a good club or cricket bat. Heaven forfend that blunt objects will become a banned object.

Whaddya gonna do when the muzzies come for you? In fact I have been telling the neighbours that my machette is a zombie blade and I got it because I am a zombie prepper.

The MSM are now carrying stories about zombie preppers being dangerous criminals and identifying all prepping with zombie prepping. It used to be the case that being a zombie prepper was a good plan as you were treated like a harmless nutcase instead of the all-but-terrorist you now are!

A good plan has gone bad! We are not allowed hand guns, you can have rifles and shotguns if you have a legitimate use for them but not semi-autos except for 22 cal. Now I am probably known to the police as a dangerous zombie prepper I doubt if they would let me have an actual firearm. I am stuck with a couple of still legal air rifles and a few crossbows. The latter are roughly the military equivalent of flintlock muskets.

While not typically as powerfull as an average load musket, because they are momentum rather than kinetic energy weapons, they have more killing power per foot pound than firearms and with a similar accurate range and reload time to a musket. Look at it this way, if there are not that many guns around you are a relatively strong force in defence against home invasion.

That is the theory anyway! Army actually issued a small number of crossbows for use during the Vietnam mistake. They were made by the Fred Bear company and were not only deadly, but quiet. If you have time, google fred bear archery.

marc faber stock market crash

At his museum near Ocala, Fl you are greeted by two grizzlies over 10 ft. They are great for game such as deer. When shot with an arrow, it kills by cutting so the shootee bleeds out and is in much better shape for human consumption. Funny how the muzzies get all the protection they need and can store their weaponry in their mosques but ordinary folks can defend themselves.

Indeed they were in some ways. In fact, it was the crossbow that put paid to the use of mounted and armored knights in warfare. That may be what they call it but I call it lefto-communist BS.

marc faber stock market crash

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August 15, at 6: The last part of this article is what I am doing right now!!! August 15, at 8: August 15, at August 15, at 7: August 16, at 1: August 16, at Three years ago, Faber advised to short 5 stocks: Is there still anyone who believes this crazy man?

Marc Faber: Beware the “Stealth” Stock Market Crash in

Well i just had a humerous thought. August 15, at 9: August 16, at 8: August 17, at 2: August 16, at 3: August 16, at 4: August 16, at 7: August 17, at 1: AGXIIK Whaddya gonna do when the muzzies come for you?

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